6 pm, May 24th, 2019 at MO museum, Vilnius


Evening dedicated to short talks, questions and stories focused on the shifting and the northwards moving identity of Eastern Europe.

Eastern Europe and the way it is (mis)understood in the world is becoming a shifting zone with a changing content. Since the regaining of their independence in the 90s’ the Baltic states, traditionally considered as part of Eastern Europe, have increasingly moved towards the North. Although in geographic terms the region have stood still, its value systems as well as the cultural and political content has been in constant transformation. Read more...

Much like the glaciers that leave behind the changing landscape, the deep inner shifts within the region of Eastern Europe marks the transformation of identities. What do we talk about when we talk about Eastern Europe? What is it and are we still a part of it? Is it – and if yes – why is it so important for Lithuania and the Baltic states to escape it? What visions support and how far have we gone in our journey towards the North? How is the cultural identity of Eastern Europe changing and how can we reflect ourselves without stepping on the old patterns of D.I.Y. culture and replaying the images of dysfunctional systems?

Shifting zone with changing content. Goodbye, Eastern Europe! – is an evening dedicated to short talks, questions and stories focused on the shifting and the northwards moving identity of Eastern Europe.

Participants: Dr. Eglė Rindzevičiūtė, Jacob Mikanowski, Ignas Krunglevičius, dr. Viktorija Rusinaitė and Miglė Bareikytė.

The event is curated by Monika Lipšic and Ieva Sriebaliūtė. Graphic design: Gailė Pranckūnaitė

Supported by Lithuanian Culture Council and Nordic Culture Point.

Programme LT .pdf

Programme EN .pdf
